Why Silicon Valley Is Hiring Bird Experts

"The zebra finch is the most common estrildid finch of Central Australia and ranges over most of the continent, avoiding only the cool moist south and some areas of the tropical far north." - According to Zebra Finch description on Wikipedia.

At the core of his exploration, he wanted to explore why a task seemed so easy for a child, but was difficult for a robot.

He has honed in on why zebra finches learn to sing. It is a means to an end as he seeks ways to ultimately gain a better understanding of how the human brain functions.

This knowledge can provide information as to how humans learn to sing

Scientists working on animals studies have a lot of interesting data, and tech companies love access to data. Additionally, the research provides useful insights into artificial intelligence.

Human brains are too complicated to study, nevermind the ethical implications of doing it, while animal brains a lot simpler and we have set principles and technologies to study them.

Many neuroscientists who spent most of their careers in academia are now being snatched up by companies in Silicon Valley.

Amir Khosrowshahi is a computational neuroscientist by training, and he says that a lot of AI technologies can benefit from learning how humans perform tasks that computers don't yet know how to do well.

The birds, among other animals and simple organisms that neuroscientists study for clues, exhibit complex behaviours that we still don't know how to simulate.

Gadget, medicine, healthcare, brain control ... A lot of fields we experience every day are already using science that's come out of studying birds.

Neuralink could enable people to have a superhuman cognition, where's one could download an entire library into their brain, or learn a language in an instant.

Voice recognition and continuous improvement in audio quality are related to this research. Researchers note, though, that this is just the beginning.

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