How to build a 7-figure blogging business around your passion with Will Hatton
Freelance to Founder

Will Hatton started a site called the Broke Backpacker, essentially a free resource for aspiring adventurers to travel on a budget.

For the longest time he'd been making about $1k a month with it, and had no motivation to grow it. Once meeting his now wife, however, he started growing his other businesses, anywhere he saw opportunity. They needed more money to travel together :)

Now his businesses are making a mere $200,000 every months.

It's taken Will Hatton about three years to get the businesses to a good pace. He says that while starting out, he had to do everything by himself, which is why it took so long to hit escape velocity. Once he started generating enough money where he could pay others to help, business growth picked up a lot faster.

Will Hatton ran out of money while traveling in Pakistan, so he reached out to his Instagram following to see if anyone would pay to join him for a tour. People did, and the business got started.

A great way to start a business is when desperation meets opportunity.

Will says he has been on the road for 10+ years, sleeping in tents and couch-surfing. He'd worked on farms, he'd sold t-shirts, weed ... he's done all sorts of things to get by.

Living this way has taught Will viable business skills. For example, he learned how to haggle, where both people maintain their honor, and both get the value.

Will was due to join the Army, but before doing it he decided to do a 10-week physical challenging program in Costa Rica. While out there on a three week hike, he ended up in a hospital. Months of recovery and physical therapy later, he was no longer eligible to join the Army. Unsure what to do, Will took all his savings and moved to India, where the real adventure began.

Will says he's gotten pretty good at making small amounts of money, fast. For example, you can always go to a country like India, buy a bunch of cheap but cool clothing, sell it at a festival at US or Europe and make a 1000% return.

Unfortunately, although it sounds cool, that means only turning $200 into $2000, which is enough money for a single backpacker, but not enough for anything else. Eventually you have to find opportunities that make more.

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