Partner With Rational Optimists

Don’t partner with cynics and pessimists, their believes are self-fulfilling. Pessimists will drag you down and will prevent you from doing something great. To create things you have to be a rational optimist, seeing the world for what it is, but also being optimistic about your capabilities to make an impact. Lead, follow, or get out of the way, those are the only options.

Have an action bias, do things. Instead of poking holes and explaining why something won’t work, take step one, then step two... etc, and find out. Be optimistic and go get what you want in life.

He takes on big and audacious goals and inspires people, leading by example, doing all the hard work. He thinks really BIG, leading to really big outcomes.

Cynics and pessimists see the world without hope, where they have given up. If you fail, they look successful, but if you succeed, they look like a failure.

Rational optimism comes with unlimited upside, so as long as you don’t cause yourself physical harm or end up in total ruin, it makes more sense to be an optimist than a pessimist.

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