Drew Wilson. In an RV around the world. 🚍🌎
Geek At Sea

One of the best ways to want to learn is by doing it for a reason. For example for Drew, he had no interested in learning to code, until he saw how it could deliver value in his work. Then, he was ready to learn in a giffy.

Branch out. Learn something that is tangential to your work. For example, if you are a designer, learn to code, learn how systems work, make something yourself. You will get a way better understanding of your job and everything you do will get better.

As a dad, Drew says that you have a choice, you are either physically at work or with your family, and how you choose to exist defines what you do.

He used to work from home, with an open door policy where his kids could come in at any tim, but he raised money for Plasso and had to transition to working from an office, it was rather difficult.

When you work for yourself, you get to make your own hours, having the freedom to be where you want, when you want to. Kids make it a lot harder to work from home as you get constantly distracted. The way to get through is to realize what is actually important to you, and to focus on that.

Single people may not realize it now, but they have four times the amount of time compared to someone who has three kids. You don’t realize how much free time you have until your time is controlled by kids.

One way to definitely improve your marriage, if you are a dad, is by helping your wife with the childcare duties. Just because you are a working parent, it doesn't mean you are actually doing more work. Taking care of kids is a lot of work and it is hard.

It used to be that dads were less involved in raising kids, but it is changing now, and it is great that more new dads are spending time with family, changing diapers, making sure their spouse gets equal sleep..etc. "Just because you are going to work it does not mean taking care of kids is somehow less work."

Before having kids, it might feel like once your kids arrive, you would want to continue living your life as it was, prioritizing your personal life over theirs. In practice, your life totally changes, and their experiences become as important as your own.

Wilson and his wife decided that they wanted to be married at least four years before having kids. He’s glad to have kids when he was 26 because at that age, he personally had more energy to keep up with them. Plus, when his kids are out of the house, he won’t be super old.

After living in California for some years, Drew's wife was missing Washington state and wanted to move back. Once they arrived though, they realized it was actually not as enjoyable as they remembered. Instead of braving the rest of their stay in Seattle area, they got an RV to circled around the United States. Their three kids came along!

Kids are real easy when it comes to adopting with new structures. If your kids have always been on a schedule, RV life might be hard for them at first ,but if your kids have never had a particularly rigid schedule, they would be just fine.

It depends on your personal goals. Wilson suggests that if your goal is to see the whole U.S., then go longer than a year. If you don’t have kids, it's much easier to accomplish. You’re more restricted when you have a kids on the trip.

Everyone has their own idea of how involved of as a parent they want to be. Drew suggests that you should take the time to find out early on who your kids are and what they’re into. You will be able to connect with them on that level, and find other things that will interest your kids on a different aspect in life.

Exposing your kids new things will lead them to be super well rounded and excited about life. One important thing is to give your kids curiosity. When they’re older, it will make it easier for them to find what it is that they’re into and what they’ll want to do with their life.

Drew thinks of life as a series of stages. He knows where he is now and what he wants to do next. Then, he just gives himself plenty of opportunities to be in the right place, at the right time, making the most out of each day.

Wilson says they must love and focus on their kids. Everyone needs to make a more of an effort of being a better father for their kids.

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