Mubs Iqbal. The man who launched 80 side projects and counting.
Geek At Sea

Full episode transcript -


Hello there, friends and listeners. Welcome to another episode of the ride that show Before we begin, I just want you to know that this is a cross episode with my other podcast called Smash Notes. So if you're a smash notes listen. Our chances are you've already heard this podcast before. But if this is your first time listening to mobs, welcome also. If you're in that's national subscriber, Hedley recommend smashing those dot com. You confined notes for this episode, and many other podcasts that you love and enjoy today have a special guest on the show. His name, US mobs, Igbo and many know him as the guy who can't stop making things on the Internet. He was 2016. Product Hunt,

maker of the Year and two Dade, just over the last couple of years, is made over 80 different products. Moms is a developer, a dad and just a very positive person with a very good attitude towards making things said Today. In this special episode, we talk about his addiction to making awesome things on the Internet, how he does it, how he stays motivated, how he does it with his family and what it takes to create awesome products, not stop. So you were product haunt maker of the year in 2016. That's how I know a lot of people know you by EF But tell us, who are you?


Well, has a That's a deep question to start things off with. Just know them off right off the bat. I actually am just a few loves to make applications. I mean, I've been writing code since I was about eight years old on DSO. It's something I really loved to do, and so I went to school for it as well. And then I got a job as a Web developer when I when I left issue university. So I being I'm self taught, but I also went to school for it because I loved it that much on. But I've been working in the industry for over 20 years as well, but but I also love it as a hobby. So I do it in the weekends and evenings and I kind of stuff. So, uh, yeah,

that's kind of why people are kind of a little bit surprised when I tell them how many things I worked up. But what? I've been doing it for a really long time. And to I just I just love it. So I do it any time. I have some spare time. That's what I will be working


on. But hold on. We just discussed this before we started the broadcast. You've got two kids. Where do you have spare time?


Well, I tell people that my secret superpower is that I don't need might sleep on dso What? What I used to do is I used to wait till the kids went to sleep, you know, like eaten nine o'clock. Not a little bit older. They step a little bit either, too. And then so, like, 10 o'clock at night, I woods hit down and start. My hubby and I would work till 23 in the morning. But it's not really work, right? Because it's it's sick stuff that I'm doing because I want to. But But yeah, I would be up till 23 in the morning. And then when they woke up 67 o'clock in the morning, I would I would be waited.


Oh, wow. You really don't need a last? Yep. I've had a friend like that in college when you guys a rare been able to sleep for 34 hours a night and still function, That's incredible. Gives you like a whole


extra day. Yeah. I mean, as I'm getting a little older now, I'm I will admit I'm stunned. Go bed a little bit earlier now, but I'm still like I'm still normally up till one o'clock in the morning and then my, my, my, my, my my oldest story just out of high school. And she has to be on the school bus at 6 30 in the morning now, so I kind of have to wake up earlier than I used to is. Well, so I got a better little bit earlier so I could wake up a little bit earlier as well


was good. She's She's helping you live a healthier lifestyle. But, you know, how do you find the motivation? And, you know, folks can check out your website. It's, uh, I worked on dot com right when you list all the things that you worked on, and it's an endless school, things that you've created, and it's amazing because if you if you go on maker communities There's always questions of like, how do I keep myself motivated? You know, I launch this one project,

then it's taking up so much of my time, and it's just like people complaining all over the place. And here we are, not even what we like, what, like frequent were like 3/4 through 2009 and you've already got a list of 10 things. You so you know, that's like once, once a month's. Most people complain about doing one thing in a year. So how do you find the energy to do all of this?


Yeah, like someone. It's something I love today, right? So when when you're doing something that you like and love to do, I think it's very easy to find the sort of time and the energy for it. Um, the other thing that I tell people whenever they ask me about this stuff is you know, I do things that I enjoy outside of computers as well, right? So if you look through my list, there's there's a site about Hope Bowl is a site about, uh, my point worked on some other things, but yet it's aside about movies in there and sort of other things. So, you know,

I love to watch movies as well. Usually I'm working and watching a movie at the same time, but I love to watch football on the weekends as well. And so I build things about things that are interesting to me as well. So in that way, I'm not just building things because, oh, there'll be a cool app to build because I'm gonna make lots of money from it, you know? And then you don't find the energy for it because it's not really an interesting thing. I build things around topics and Andi things that I find interesting, which which adds energy into into kind of what I want to do as well.


So how easy it is for you to code at this point?


Um, I mean, I always tell people coating is the easy bit right? So when when you want to build on when you've got an application, when we want to build something or make something won. The hard part is the idea, like, what's the thing that you want to build, right? Figuring that out is pretty hard on, then, letting people know that you actually made something is the other heart bit right, Because you can make things you know easily. The stage and I have a nephew to code anymore. You can point and click and make a sight, you know, in a matter of hours if you want to.

But then but And what? You know, like nobody's gonna know that you've made it. Nobody's gonna be he around to see it and check it out and all that kind of stuff. So So making stuff's easier if knowing what to make his heart and then finding some way to tell people that you hate something is the other hard part.


So then what do you think of this whole no cold movement that's materialized in the last couple


of years? I think it's fantastic, because I don't I mean, I love to code so that I mean, that's what I've been doing for last. I started when I was eight years old. I mean, doing it almost my entire life. What I like to make things right like software and code for me is a tool allows me to do other things. And so if you have a tool that allows you to make a website will allow you to solve the problem that you're trying to sell. I think that's Tess actually, fantastic, because the end of the day we're just trying to solve problems or trying to make our lives easier. We're trying to We're trying find information or whatever it is that that website supposed to do, whether it's code or there isn't any code, I don't think it really makes any difference whatsoever. Is that what you're trying to solve? The problem and you can solve that problem for people or you can solve it for yourself. That's really all there. I think that that that's that's important bit there.


So if we use it mostly trying to solve the problems that you see around you or is the goal to turn one of the's into the biggest start up when you find which one really makes more sense sense to become a start


up? I think it's what I think people don't value. If you always talk about product market fit a lot, which is like, you know, what's the product that the market is looking for? Um, I think they ignore the founder product fit a lot, which is also, I think, equally, if not more important, when when it comes to starting a company starting starting a person, it's finding something that you want to work on for five years old. 10 years or how long you're gonna be in that in that company for eyes is really important. So so for me, it's been a long exercise.

Let's just make something cool something that I enjoy and and if it's something that the market is looking for right now, then that's absolutely fantastic. And that's something off the best thing I work on. If not, it's something that I needed, something that I wanted, something that solves a problem for me off friends of mine on then that's absolutely fine, too. It doesn't need to be the next big start up. It doesn't need to be the next unicorn or anything like that.


That's great. I mean, there's great averages because this this is just a extension of your hobbies, right? You just build stuff so you build stuff and then you work on it, and I know a lot of other people might have other hobbies, but this is yours, and that allows you to create a ton of really useful content.


Yeah, And I think it's also important to kind of keep in mind why you're doing these things, right? Like, obviously, if you're if you're stuck in the job that you hey, and you wantto did you do your own thing Because you don't want to find a new job, then, yeah, Then build something that you think will be ableto staying you and kind of pay you a salary and all that kind of stuff. But if you're if you're happy doing the job that you're doing But you have But you like to code or you like to make things, then just make things as a hobby. You just enjoy the process of creating. I think you know, I think we've lost that to someone with a kind of all this hustle. With all this side hustles, stuff and all that kind of stuff,

it's now become that your hobbies are supposed to make you money and we kind of losing the enjoyment of our hobbies. Now, Andi, I think I think it's important to kind of enjoy yourself. And if it makes you money at some point that's that's that's awesome. But if not, I'LL issue enjoyed yourself A swell


You clearly enjoying yourself doing all of this and I can hear it in your in your voice. But have any of the projects in the past made you


money? Oh, yeah, Absolutely. I mean, like Andi, if you look through the old sort of all that left on I worked on I mean, you'll you'll see that maybe at least half of those are things that I built with other people because other people came to me and said, Hey, I've got this idea but I don't know how to code And this'll isn't something you can do without code you Can you help me out? You Can we start something? And what kind of see what happens with it on DSO Yeah, there's probably three or four in that list that are still operating as as kind of start ups and cos they're you know, they're they're employing anywhere from 1 to 22 I think one of them has eight people working on it on dso absolutely. And there's been other ones that I just I felt so it can kind of operated it for, like a year or so. And then you didn't wanna afraid anymore because it was really I'll be anymore. And so I was sold the site on dhe kind of stuff like that. Absolutely.


Well, that's great. And I mean, I guess I'm just looking through the list. So it's this was started talking about it. And I love how some of them are kind of a bigger projects. And some of them are fairly simple, but also unique and useful things. Like I'm looking at this. How much is a Bitcoin worth? All right, yeah dot com. And I mean, how many people are there? Well, you probably know because you probably have analytics on this, right?

But people are clearly googling, or at least in the heydays of Bitcoin. They're like Bitcoin worse today. I mean, Silicon Valley had the whole episode about Guilfoyle tracking the price like and this is great, Like even if people are not buying Bitcoin from your website, there might might buy something else that would give you like a filly of dollars. It's It's beautiful.


I mean, that was one of those I that was fully at the time when I was kind of interested in in the hole. I was more into crypto as well, right? So that's again. That's the idea of what's my what's interesting to me at this moment? Oh, you know, I'm watching Ethereum and Bitcoin and see how much they're all kind of worth. But isn't it? We're going to be called to make something in this space as well that I can share with other people as well. So it's It's another extension off taking the things that you like to do but turning them into kind of a little side project as well.


So let's talk about that site project. You listen, your latest invention is but Hunt Yes, eso short short for podcast hunt. How did that idea come about?


So this, I mean, that's an idea that has been around for a really long time. So originally, when product time probably about three or four years ago, actually usedto have a bunch of other categories are running just some applications and software and stuff. They used to have a came category, a book category and a podcast categorias well on, and after a while they kind of operate that for a little bit, but they couldn't quite make it fit in with the main, um, software category. So they kind of shut down all the other ones that so they could focus on what they actually started out to do, which, you know, to make application stuff more discoverable. And so when they shut that down,

I had some friends who would kind of every few months would kind of say, Hey, we kind of miss that podcast kind of hunting thing. You should make a site for it. And along this time, I was like, No, I don't think it's, You know, I don't feel like it was the right thing to kind of do, Um and but for some reason, that was talking to some friends. Vacuum, thanks July, and they kind of raised it again and I don't know, It just felt like it was the right time that everything was kind of positioning itself in terms of whether podcasting, industry waas and where I was in terms of what I wanted to build on DK and things like that, and it all just seemed to line up, and so I started working on it.


That's awesome. How long did it take before? You like lunch? The first version,


eh? So I started working on it on July the 25th. I think it wa ce um I think in about two weeks, I had, like, a soft launch that I could Can I show some Iran school were the ones who kept asking me about it on then in about three weeks. So I think I think actually, August 20th was what I did. Like the official launch. Um, so yeah, so it didn't take very long. I mean, it's just like a few weeks, and then again, it's, you know, it's a few weeks working in evenings and weekends and things like that. So you have been doing it full time. It would have been a lot. It would have been a lot quicker as well.


Yeah, but you're almost doing the Google 20% Friday, dedicated to other projects. Ah, I wonder, Does your full time job let you just take Friday off and work on something cool for them?


We're not. Yeah. No, I mean I mean, it's kind of just kind of like what we talked about earlier with not needing any sleep I feel like I have that 20% anyway. You know, it's like I don't need to take the time off because having that extra, you know, 34 hours of work a day actually adds up to about that extra 20%. Anyway,


I imagine they actually gave you a Friday's cool stuff here.


Why? I mean, we do we do that internally? Actually, I work for an agency down in York's city right now, and so we have a lot of client work that we do. But But occasion would just take some time off and just kind of work on some internal projects. It instead s So we come out, we don't do the full 80 20 that sort of cool had. But having like these internal hackathons and things like that is pretty interesting as


well. The other day, I was, um, listening to a podcast with Program, the founder of Y Combinator. But there was a podcast from 2009 where he projects what success of White Combinator would look like in the future. And at the time they were pretty humble, saying, You know, we hope that the third row startups will do Well, yada yada. So for you. Oh, sorry. Might have to pause for one second. Um,

here, can I? Just giving how many things you're doing. What's your projection for, You know, you probably success and specifically for the recent one for the pot. But hunt, like, what would make you really happy? You know, if it got to a certain point,


Well, yeah. I mean, for me, I go in with very low expectations, right? Like one I'm not spending other than my time. I'm spending rare little, you know, I'm not spending. I'm not. I'm not VC funded the company that's got millions of dollars that they've invested in these ideas and things like that. So my expectations are really low because I haven't I haven't spent anything really valuable other than my time s o. So from that standpoint, what what? Whatever upside there is, it's kind of it's fantastic,

but I think for Potter and I think it has, it's felt like a different project for me. It, even though I built it pretty fast and launched it pretty quickly, it feels like a longer term project in itself, Like it doesn't feel like it's just one of these that I will launch and then kind of leave on the side of the road, as it were. But I think in this particular case I can see myself working on in the next few years and continue ad features and hopefully build an audience around it on Go, Yes. Oh, really? You know, it's one of those I don't really know what to expect, but I don't know what's gonna happen with the podcasting industry as a whole, it seems to be growing and growing and growing. And you're you're getting celebrities through podcasts and on,

and people are spending a lot of money on sponsorships, advertising and things like that. So I'm hoping I can kind of catch that wave is well and kind of just hide along. But yeah, like I don't really go win with, like, huge expectations or anything like that.


Well, that's that's great attitude, because that allows you to both maintain flexibility and keep building without all these expectations and without perhaps quitting too soon. Right? Just because you didn't hit a certain milestone because, hey, you don't have certain milestones you want to hit in the particular time. That's That's amazing, But just one quick thing thinking, talking about celebrities doing a podcast. But case important. You're on the podcast and sponsors. I just want to quickly talk about the sponsors for this podcast. It's Ah, little phone call poem. Have you heard of it?


Yeah, I used to have one


suite for our listeners it so we can talk about you know, your experience. It's ah palm dot com p a l m dot com And if they use a code Ah, check out rad dead r A d d a. D. They can get $50 off for this phone. I just got it not so long ago played around with it, and I left it because it's tiny, so you don't have any desire to put a lot of ups and it runs Android. It's pretty pretty. Speedy has got a camera and everything, but to me, the amazing part was I didn't need to put any absent it, because for me it was just a phone. I could check my email if I had to. I could check my calendar. I could text people, take phone calls and nothing else was so Zen. What was your experience.


So I had the original farm when they first came out. So when I was running it, so no es it was running like Web OS and stuff, so it's actually the first smartphone that I own. So I used to have, like, the old ill Nokia phones that had the little keypads on them and stuff on Gwen. When I went and got my first smartphone, I used to have apartment. They had, like, little slide out keyboard and stuff like that, a cz well, so they were really awesome. And I loved through the actual OS itself. They used to love the sort interface that it had. I know it's obviously changed now because you know it's running android and stuff,

but I love the idea of it being, um I I think they focused a lot on making it usable for what it's supposed to be used for. And I think that's part of the issues with ah lot the iPhones and android sirs, you just don't know what you're gonna be using it for is that they tried to cram as much into it as they can on day. It's just kind of made them. I mean, it's nice to have in your pocket, but you don't treat it like a phone anymore, which which I think is unfortunate.


Oh, you mean that we don't treat iPhones those phones anymore? They're


right. They basically just little laptops in your pocket. Almost.


Exactly. And we talked about having kids. You know, every time I go to a plain girl with my kids like I don't want to interact with a phone and with Palm, I'm able to actually just keep it in my pocket. And if my wife calls me, I can pick it up. But otherwise it's so little and doesn't have anything, so it forces me to just be with my kids. But when I have a phone, not only I get distracted, but sometimes they also go how I hate the headache. And I like looking at a picture. Use that app or whatever and like I don't want that to exist, and them, and especially with the new iPhones that just came out. I mean,

they have, ah, some kind of new, beautiful camera, but otherwise you're paying $1500 for, like, a lap. Like you said, it's a laptop in your pocket except the screen. It's tiny. Uh, so I think, for people who who only have one device like having, um, on iPhone or a pixel. Er,

you know, like a fancy enjoy device makes sense because it's your only device. But if you can afford multiple devices in, you know, in like 2020 totally makes sense to have a phone that is just the phone. So again, it's palm dot com. If you guys wanna get a 50 bucks off its, ah, rad dead is the code that you have to use a check out them and, you know, you get a cool phone that's the size of a credit card. Give it a try. But now my respect to you, Um, so,

um, a ton of different projects. You know, kids, you said you work from home. Can you talk about that? Like, how does that work? You've been doing this for like


20 years. Yeah, my first job. I was in New York City and I was I was moving out of New York City. I went to live in Boston for a year, but as I was leaving New York, I interviewed with a company and they had an office in New York City. And I said, I love the company. I love what you guys are doing, but I'm not gonna be in New York City for the next, at least next, at least the next year on day said, Are you really going up to you know, you're basically it's like an hour flight away. They said, Well,

that's cool. Why don't you just work out of your house? When? When? When? When you move. And then you know what kind of see how it works out on. So, yes, so in the summer of 2000 was when I had my first promote job and I loved it so much. I've been doing it ever since


summer of 2000. Was it before or after the crash?


Uh, s so the first crash happened in, like, April of 2000. Andi. So it was that I was actually working at us at a small Internet company which did get shut down. That's the one that I kind of worked there. And so when when I was leaving, when I was leaving that company, I was looking for a new job I was gonna just move upto pastor and find a job up there. But then a friend of mine recommended me for a job at a company in New York City. And so I interview with them, You know, just because, you know, because I did it because it was recommended by a friend of mine on get worked out. Well,


that that's awesome. I mean, I guess nowadays a lot of people would say that they're doing remote because it also helps them lower the costs. You don't have the office. You know, you have to do a lot more paperwork, but you don't actually have to put people in the physical location and spend like millions of dollars in office. Ah, And I guess maybe you lucked out that it was the summer of 2000 that people were also trying to figure out how to be nimble right then to them, you were a great coder and was important for them to retain you, sir. Like they'd rather you work from home. Then having to find somebody else was not as good.


Yeah, and to some degree, they took a chance on me too, because it's not something that they had, you know, tried before it was there was something completely Noto not have somebody in the office. I'm obviously now it happens all the time now, but back then it was something entirely new. But obviously finding talent was tough now is it? Still, it was tough back hand as well. So when When? When? When you do find somebody that you think will be I could fit into your team and everything. You know them saying you know that I wanna work or remotely is not a deal breaker then And it's not a big deal Parker anymore. I think


that's that's great attitude, because that's the only way I want to work. You know, the other day I was thinking of going event, and I live in Bellevue, Washington, and that's it was across the bridge in Seattle and in traffic. No traffic, 15 minutes traffic, 55 minutes. And I just thought for a minute of driving 55 minutes in traffic, and I was like, Okay, I can't do this like I literally just not emotionally ready. Uh, and you know, people do this every day and just like so distracting to your life white like, Why not have everyone work remotely? I I I don't know send, but hopefully we'll get


it. I mean, my first job, when when I was still back in England, I got it. After you shipped university, I would I would have to drive Well, it's where it's getting one of those things, Like depending on when I left home, it would either be a 25 minute drive or if, if I left at the wrong time, because the traffic, it would be more like an hour and 15 minutes that I would have to say it in the car. So that's one of those situations. It's like I'm gonna leave home earlier so I could get to work earlier so I can avoid the traffic on DSO. After about three months of that, I was just like,

This is ridiculous and I fear that changing jobs, not just because of that, but I think that was one of the reasons that I was like, Well, I'm not really tied to this. And having this kind of weed commute kind just made it even more important that I found a new opportunity as well.


Well, it sounds like waking up early stuck with you. And that's what I think. Um, I guess if if there's one thing that people who are not your close friends should know about you, what do you think that iss?


Uh, well, I I think that I think the thing that also sets me apart from for most of the from a lot of other people is I do tend to have a very positive attitude about things, right. Like, I don't really think about failure a lot. I mean, I've obviously failed at things a lot over the years because you've seen with 80 projects and things, they can't all be a six success, right? You launch for addicts, and they don't and they don't do well or, you know, or anything like that. But I think you can always learn from, you know, from from anything that happens in your life,

I think you can learn from it. And if you can learn from it, then it's not a failure at all. Andi, I think that kind of attitude come helps not just with side project, but it helps with being a dad and helps with if you have a regular job too. I mean, like, you know you can You can learn from anything that happens on DSO. Yeah, I tried not to think about things being successes and failures. And what did I learn? What did I accomplish on? And so that kind of thing, I think is like super important come attitude to have


That's fabulous. Onda, you said your kids are 11. 15 right now? Yes. So the 15 year old is going to college soon or Ah, Is it a boy or a girl?


It's a girl. Yes,


girl? Yeah. You know, just in terms of addressing her. But I mean, you're working from home. You're doing all these cool projects. You have a full time job that you love. A dad and the maker. What do you think? You or how are you teaching your daughter the older one or both Limit? Yes. Are you teaching your kids about their future? And you know what? How to find their own passion. What do you think they'll end up working on or you'd like to see them working out?


You know, I mean, I've tried not to have any expectations because I think it's important for them to find what they what. They're passionate about what they like. Thio what what they want to do with their lives. Because obviously I could say I like to code. And but nobody else in my family likes the code like I'm the only person who writes a decoding my entire family, right? So I'm not gonna push that on my kids because if they don't like to do it, then I want them to find whatever they're passionate about. And I think I think the main thing that I've tried Thio put a cross on on my kids is that just try lots of different things. So they used to dance when they were younger. They play soccer, they played a bunch of other sports. You know, they do art. They do painting and roaring and things like that,

too. Eso just try lots of different things because until you try a lot of these things, you're not gonna know what you really like. And you know what? Tone like a swell Andi think just being open to trying new things and the experiment, I think, is the best way that you can find out what you really are interested in. And once you find out what you're interested in, then you can, you know, spend as much time as you want on that. But until you know what that thing is, just try everything.


That's that's a really good advice. And, you know, I I love watching other parents on playgrounds, and, um, I feel like it starts early. And And I bet you would be the opposite of this behavior. Very often, parents want t tell the kids exactly how to take a step. Exactly. You know how to climb up a thing or slight down with playing. And it always amuses me because it takes all the fun out of playgrounds


from two year olds. Yeah. I mean, obviously you want them to be safe, but outside of that, you know? Yeah, it's a slight. You want to come down front ways back ways, you know? I mean, yeah, as long as you're safe, I don't really care. I mean, you're gonna do what you want to do because you're a kid, you know?

And that that's okay. Yeah. I think having rules. It's fine if you want to keep people safe but outside of that from rule should just be about that, right, Like it's not. It's not about having rules for everything. It's about having rules to keep the kids safe, and then outside of those those very extreme rolls just let them explore, let them. But let them find out what's good was bad, kind of on their own as well.


And it is great to see you is adult doing that in your professional life Because so many people stop, you know, as adults, you're supposed to be mature and doing that, that one thing that is your job. But I feel like you're still very playful. You're just saying No, I'm just gonna you know, this is my sandbox. I'm just gonna play with, like, actually literally sandbox, right? That's where the name comes from. Some reason, for some reason, adults stop treating it that way. It's like there's serious things. Like work. Um,


yeah, I think you still I mean, you can get old and yes, you can have responsibilities and you have to take care of your family and everything like that. But I like to have fun all day, every day, like I don't wanna wait till like that two weekends. All those two weeks a year where I'm on holiday to have fun. If I can have fun 52 weeks of the year, then my entire life's a holiday.


That's beautiful attitude. I mean, I hope a lot of people can hear this and, you know, wake up from the dream off life and find the second life worth living. Um, you know, I feel like we should end here, but I do want to ask one more question. Okay. And that's, you know, heavy giving that you are Makeover the year on product Cons. When you do your things, Are you part of any other community outside of product hunts? Does that help? You know what you find in those places?


I am. No, They go up and down. There's there's there's a few other slag corruption things like that that I was that I've been a part of where it's kind of helpful to get relief, feedback and and thoughts from other people in terms of what what you've been working on so that that could be helpful. And obviously, if you get stuck on something having access to people who have a particular skill, you know who might be able to help you solve that problem is is really helpful. Um, but, you know, I like to move fast, so I don't know, obviously, when when you work with other people, it's it's great having that kind of handwork that you can you can talk to and have ideas you can send back and forth. And so that kind of stuff is it's really,

really nice, But working on your own, you get to move really fast, right? Because you could just build whatever you think it needs to be built. You can make it look how you want it to make it look on DSO s. Oh, yes, I do tend to hang out on a few of those, but it's mostly just to see what other people are working on. And and you have to see if I can help them in kind of anyway, more than the other way around, it can help, like, obviously, if you're if you're building something in the podcast in space,

be a part of the podcasting community, right? So talk to other people who are doing podcasting or not doing podcasting but want to you see what pain points they have, you know, see what you can do to help them, And maybe that will give you an idea for an application as well. So so that that's That's normally why I think a lot of people hang out in this kind of communities as well. But But in terms of a general maker community, I think I mean, it's really just Indy hackers. It's probably the other place. I really hang out a lot. Um, so in the actor's doc, calm eyes kind of, ah, forum and community where I hang out, I think


awesome. So if people want to ask you questions or maybe connect with you to see if you can work on a nap together, if you're open to that, I guess they can reach out to you on Twitter and I'll put a link or find you in India. Hackers


trade. Yeah, either one. Yeah, Twitter is a place I hang out the some ghost, I think. I guess


it's M U B s. That M B is the shortest euro. Yes, great website, right? It's just mobs dot me. That's all set. So, uh, so they'll find you there. And, um,


it's golden links there to kind of all the other fights and things on there is.


Well, yeah, and the folks, if you want to see everything, is working on its Ah, I worked on dot com and there's a list of 80 projects. It's really


fascinating. So that's funny. So I worked on is actually, it's actually just the sight that anybody can survive. He I I shall have a password on it, but it's actually meant to be a site where anybody can sign up and the list all of the things that they that they worked on as well s. So it's kind of a side project to keep a track of all of my side projects. But other people can, uh, you should use it to do this time.


Yeah, but you realize how you realize how inferior everyone's gonna


feel when they sign up. Well, that well, that wasn't my plan.


That the it's like, can you beat mobs on? And there's took two buttons. No, Emma, no. There's just choice.


No, no, I believe I believe anybody could do anything. They really wanna that they set their mind to now. Obviously, if I see people trying Thio challenge me like that, I might I might I might take them up on that story. But


hear, folks, you heard there is a challenge to try and beat mobs at number of projects. So one every three days for the rest of the year, you can get there. Hey, um, thank you very much for coming in a podcast. Your fascinating person. I'm glad you're having so much fun building all of this and, uh, you know, thanks. Thanks for reaching out and for sharing your story. And hopefully people get inspired and jump in the arena and build more stuff just like you


do that. Yeah, thanks for having me on, but yeah, I mean, really, That's why I share a lot of the information and off the kind of why and how I make stuff is that I'm kind of hoping that other people were kind of hope on is well, and they can start their own thing because I think the more people who are making things, the more problems we start to solve. And I think if we sold problems, we make the world of a place for everybody.


That's it for this episode of Red that Thank you for listening. Now, let's go make some stuff.

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