IBM released the first ever hard drive in 1956. It held the equivalent of one mp3 song, and it weighed over 1 ton.
Because the devices have evolved dramatically. All media eventually becomes obsolete. Digital storage has become expensive and none of our devices stand against the test of time.
There is a solution that has been around for billions of years. DNA is nature’s oldest storage device. It contains all the necessary information to build and maintain a human being.
DNA can store a ton of information in a minuscule space. DNA is also more durable and it does not require electricity to store it.
By first learning to sequence, or read DNA. After, how to write or synthesize it. Anything that can be stored as 0s and 1s can be stored in DNA. Once sequenced and transferred, we have the ability to read, write, and copy DNA.
By recovering messages to receive the DNA, every time data is retrieved, DNA is lost. Also, sequencing includes error in the DNA.