Nobody knows. He is a sudo-anonymous person that simply goes by AJ. You won't find his picture, or learn his last name.
At the time of this episode, Carrd was making about 25 to 30 thousand USD every month.
AJ learned computer science in school, but mostly everything that he wanted to know for his job, he learned doing it.
His advice for anyone who wants to learn something new is to actually do it. You don't have to go to school anymore.
You don't even have to get really good at whatever it is, just good enough to let you do the job at hand.
There was no plan. He put out a few free templates and let people download them for free.
Once that site got a lot of traction, he started to put a lot more effort into the site, and the feedback loop started.
Enough people started asking AJ to drop Creative Commons license on his HTML5 templates where it made sense to actually sell his templates for money, giving customers access to support and some exclusive templates.
It was a great deal for customers, and the project really took off.
AJ created ~70% of all the templates by himself, and then he also hired a designer and a few coders to help.
It worked really well, but he did make sure to set the standards and validate/verify what his helpers were producing.
While AJ was somewhat bored of making individual HTML5 templates, he also started to create one-page fillers, just something to put up on the site for new content. Little did he know, those one page templates were actually really popular.
AJ wanted to challenge himself and try out his own ideas. It was an entirely new approach, so it didn't matter what the competition was doing.