Doing What Scares You
The Startup Chat with Steli and Hiten

YES. Fear is the compass, and there is always something valuable in the end.

Of course, if it's the matter of life and death, then it's a good idea to listen to your body and run away from the fear, but as far as our modern life is concerned, fear is good.

Steli says that it's a myth that startup founders don't have any fear. Founders might not be afraid of normal things, like death, but at the same time they fear not being admired, or not being loved, or being alone, or being insignificant. In some cases, that fear is what drivers them to keep going.

If you are afraid to face your fear, you might make decisions that will help you to feel more comfortable, help you to avoid the chance of being scared, but those won't always lead to the best outcomes.

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