475: Why Founders Need to Schedule Quiet Time to Think Deeply
The Startup Chat with Steli and Hiten

Full episode transcript -


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heating Shah. And today, in the sort of check, we're gonna talk about thinking time, quiet time. You like talking about more than your sales and market. We just want a bullshit and chat about business and life. And hopefully, while we're doing that, provide along value todo for people trying to get shit done. Yeah, we don't want to give you feedback. That's bullshit. You want you to do your best. Why is it important for years a fonder to spend some amount of time in your day to day life not doing or listening or watching or communicating with anyone? Quiet time just being with your own thoughts? Why is that valuable?

Why is that important and how do we do it? And how do other people do it? And kind of some tips on how to incorporate that in people's lives? Let's start with setting up the reason why that's even a thing and why it's valuable. I'll go first. Now here, you know, let you chime in with your your against YouTube's heating. But the deal is this. I don't know how hard I have to pitch this to anybody. But, um, in today's world, where we have unlimited access to information, people content, we're not starving for information,

right? It's the it's the opposite. It's like there's so much nutrition that we now have to learn how to keep a good information, died of a good consumption, died off information just like we have to do now with food. And too many people spend all their day either talking to other people or listening to audiobooks. Listen to podcasts like this one. Ah, listen to music. Or, you know, the scrolling through Twitter, all instagram or Facebook. And so there's not any moment during the day now, even when your people in the toilet or taking a shower, Um,

they're constantly consuming, interacting with content and information, and so there's not enough time to now process that will be even in touch with how you feel and how you think during the day, and create the space that your mind and body and soul needs to actually process some of that information and for you to actually be in touch and present with yourself in your thoughts and feelings, and I think that comes with massive costs associated with it. I think that cause comes with people struggling more more with being able to concentrate. I think it comes with people being less and less thoughtful because we they never had the time to actually think through things. And it comes with a lack of creativity, aleck off, thinking differently and creatively or coming up with a really high level strategic ideas or insights. And it comes with a certain tension because we're constantly bombarded by information. We never have the time to just relax into ourselves. And so this is, I think, today a huge topic and something that is really slowing down. Most people,

but especially founders, and I think it's only gonna get worse. So becoming competent at this is, I think, super, super crucial.


Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of noise in the world, so we're inundated with more information than ever, whether it's through social media or just modern life, honestly. And if we don't find are ways to have quiet time or time to sink the size or process whatever was happening for all these inputs, all these things going on, um, you can drive it sounds crazy because There's so many things to think about, worry about, do like in theory. I don't really think there are. I think that we tend to consume ourselves with all this information, all these thoughts, all these idea that these concept. But then the day life could be pretty simple if you wanted to be.

It's just a matter of how you think about it, regardless of what's going on or how complicated things are. And, um, you know, that's why you know, there's a few things in my mind you're about like, one thing is like That's why I will be used quotes a lot, you know, to make us feel good about certain things, or the meditation has become such a big thing. Now, just because I think that being able to sign it's almost like a word for a quiet time, you know, whatever that means for you, are you doing walking meditations?

Are you sitting quietly? I mean, I tend to meditate when I drive, which I know sounds crazy, you know, whatever have what have you like. I think there are a number of things like that that we all do. It's for the bigs. Would like meditation and things like that win, like, really, What we're trying to do is find out quiet time. I'm that. Find that ability to just now I have to think about anything and just be calm and kind of calm down because everything is so noisy or can be. And so, yeah,

I think this is a brilliant like thing that I just want to share, just like you do with people, which is like Find your quiet time, whatever it is for you and use it and use it to your advantage. When you feel like there's a lot going on where you can't get something off your mind, do something. Whatever it is that works for you, do it for me sometimes just taking your drive. If I'm really at my wits, end on something or just hear some thinking. But I will just take a driver that usually helps me. Sometimes it's what some loud music sometimes just going fast. Whatever it is that helps a walk helps for me. Um, you know, if I'm in the right spot in terms of like where I am,

I'll close my eyes for a few minutes. You can say I'm meditating, but the stuff's important cause the day to day Ah, uh, work business, life, people, social media. See, all these things impact us in ways we might not understand. Sometimes even like the way you feel might not even have anything to do with what's going on in your life. It might be that, like someone you know vented to you, uh, and now you feel like a certain way because of them. And so some of the energy that they had and then they kind of,

you know, you were helping them or whatever, or you heard them out and now suddenly feel crappy, right? That happens to so getting back to your center, so to speak. We're getting back to yourself and realizing that, like, whatever is going on, you know, 99% of the time it's it's temporary or something. You will get through enough


love that there's two episode that I recommend everybody listen to. That's interesting. This topic. Episode number 286. Mindfulness for Founders and Episode 409. Meditation for Bonner's of super relevant to this topic. I want to share a story here that that's that popped up. That's kind of coming from a totally different world. Most people that know me know that I'm a huge combat sports fan, a huge, mixed martial arts fan. There's one guy that I've been always a fan off. He's been kind of in the sport forever. He started doing kind of backyard fights in Florida when he was like I don't know, 18 90 years old and then became a professional fighter and then has been kind of has had a career where everybody always respected him as being one of the best fighters. It can never. He was never able to break through him.

Get a championship, was always kind of falling short of that, just became a little bit of a journeyman off sorts, and he took a break. A year break just recently has been in this forever, right, and once you've been in any kind of sport, is a professional athlete for a very long time and have not gotten to the very top, you know the chances are very low that you're gonna get there late in your career. So with him, he took up a break for a year and he was booked in some reality TV show That's like that had all kinds of somewhere in South America away. It was like all kinds off professional athletes that would do these like jungle competitions that were kind of the tropics based. And he came back and he turned into in completely different person. BC's career Skyrocket is now one of the the most famous. M m A Fighters has made 1,000,000. He's made more money,

probably in the last 12 months, since he's been back then in the you know, 20 years prior in this career, and when they asked him what changed, like why were able to break through. Now he attribute that that reality TV show period for this change, and the reason for it was like he was saying, Everybody hated to be on that show because every day you would wake up in that jungle and for many, many hours there was nothing to do. And there's no television. There's no smartphone, there's no there's nothing and people would go insane. Like for me. It was a transformational period. For the first time in my life, I actually was waking up and I could feel how I felt like I could think my own thoughts,

and I was able to just really understand myself and go like, This is how I feel This is how I feel about my life. This is how I feel about my career. These are my the thought that I've been having. These are the toxic patterns have been in and to really kind of refresh. My outlook on life and myself in my career is like now that I come back, I cut out so much noise out of my life. And I don't even touch my smartphone like I just spend a za little time as possible on playing video games and being on my phone on Instagram all day long. And being around all these toxic people are just like spending more quiet time with myself. And it's so maybe a weird example. But to me, it's like a very impressive recent kind of manifestation of the power of having quiet time and how much value that can actually provide. Providing your life Now, Now, let me ask you hidden So driving is a big thing for you. That's kind off.

You're quite a Do you listen to music audiobooks while driving with you. Typically, you have, like nothing on while you drive, because that's the time where you think you meditate and you just like quiet.


It just depends. Sometimes I have things, a music gone. It just depends how I feel. And sometimes it's just very quiet, and I'm sort of sending out, so to speak, at that. I'm driving.


So for me, I don't have that type of activity that I love as much. Is that obviously when I do martial arts, it's kind of very intense one or two hour workouts, and I'm not listening to music. It's not like going to the gym and do weight lifting or something where I would typically do listen to musical podcasts on audiobook or something like that. When I do what I O. R Brazilian jiu jitsu, there's no music. There's no audio book have just at full extent of exertion and concentration. But it's not quiet time. So what I do and try to meditate every day. But I also don't see that as Riel thinking quiet time. So what I've started to do recently is that I started to incorporated in areas where It's easy but uncomfortable, like weird examples, like when I take a shower. I typically used to listen to music or to parkas while being the shower.

I now make an effort to not do that to just be in the shower when I wait for things like when? When I go to a restaurant and I make an order and a wait for my order to come through, I used to be on my phone texting, reading trader doing things now sometimes not every time, but something. I make the effort to just wait. There's actually magic and just standing in line, waiting again, observing your surroundings. But then maybe also being in the own thoughts. So do a lot more of that these little moments in the day where I could just be doing nothing, just being a human being. And I don't succumb to the urge to just fill that time with something that's usually consuming information. And then one thing that I do on enough, I have to say that I struggle with us. But one thing I'd like to do more and a goal that I had said is to just have 10 minutes of thinking time where actually in the office or somewhere,

and I can go out and go on a walk. But where the purpose is just to just think. And when I do it, it's always magical. Oftentimes the 10 minutes will that extend to more time. But I don't always make time for that. But I remember when I had looked at a streak for a couple of days where I had that and I even sit down and I rode something. And this is something I've never done on the parkas. I think, you know, almost 500 episodes, and I've never actually read out loud something I wrote down for myself on this very podcast. But I'll do. This is a preview here, even if it makes me a little uncomfortable. But I had a very,

like a two week period where I had, like, 10 or 15 minutes of thinking time every day. It was so powerful that I wrote down something arrow down. Silence provides the space to breathe, feel, think to confront me with my inner self. It is a great is a vacation away from noise and oxygen for my soul, so well, yeah, I fell right. I felt very Pratica. Apparently that movement, but very good. But that is that is what it is. And with that, I'll make a promise to myself of a commitment to the listeners that I'll get back. Creating Mawr. Quiet time in thinking time for myself because it does. It does do a lot for me for sure.


That's awesome. I can't I can't see a better way to end it. She can send you being poetic


like a all right. That's it from us for this episode. By the way, if you have profound or not so profound moments around quiet time thinking time to view, have anything to share with us, we always love to hear from you so you can get in touch Stelea at close dot com h and charge em a lot.

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