Startup Lessons from Serial Entrepreneur Justin Kan

Justin has been an Internet entrepreneur since 2005.

He first founded a company called Kiko, which was a version of Google Calendar but unfortunately came out a month before Google Calendar and got completely crushed.

After that he started a live TV show on the internet, called Justin.Tv. It was 2007, before the iPhone, so Justin had to carry a computer in the backpack, with multiple cellphone connections, live-streaming a hacky video feed to people at home. He admits to not had been very popular at the time, with only hundreds of viewers at first. Eventually however, other people caught wind and wanted to create their own shows, just like Justin's. raised a bunch of money, just in time to survive the "nuclear winter" when most video startups died.

While still working on, Justin and Co create an app called "Social Cam", which they were able to promptly sell to Autodesk for many millions.

Finally, after years of hard work in the video space, Justin's co-founder Emmet though up the idea for Twitch, which exploded and sold to almost $1 Billion dollars!

After the acquisition Justin played around with other startups, namely Exec, a home cleaning on-demand, and Whale, a social app for Q&A.

Finally, two years ago he decided to put all his eggs in one basket and stated Atrium, a technology enabled law company for entrepreneurs.