Fri. 02/05 - This Is Your Brain On Juggling

How learning to juggle is the perfect example of what happens to your brain when you learn a new skill. A new literary version of Street Fighter II. Why Burger King France is handing out free potatoes. And, following on yesterday’s story about the fetus album, a three-year-old has written a completely delightful new album with her dad.


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Here’s What Learning to Juggle Does to Your Brain (Wired) STREET WRITER: The literary video game we didn’t know we needed. (Literary Hub) The Reason Burger King France Drive-Thrus Are Handing Out Bags Of Potatoes (Mashed) A 3-year-old wrote a delightful electro-pop album and her dad produced it (Boing Boing) QuQu by Juni x Dada (Bandcamp) Kottke.Org Jackson Bird on Twitter

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