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David Heinemeier Hansson Explains Stoicism And Stoic Philosophy?
Stoic philosophy teaches people to re-examine how they view the world, and by adjusting one's expectations, thus improving the way we live life. The approach was developed about 3,000 years ago and has worked since, not a bad place to start.
How Is Radical Candor Applied In A Company?
For Vlad, his brother, and friend, they make sure share their concerns with each other out of care. They share a mutual growth as they talk through problems. They are candid with one another to get on the same page to avoid any conflict or blowups.
What Is The Difference Between Editing And Copyediting?
The editor works with the author for however many drafts to tackle the big picture issues. When they are satisfied with the manuscript, a copywriter will take over. According to Dreyer, copyediting is a nuclear level of attention to details that include things like making sure there are no errors, checking the author’s word usage, and applies the rules of grammar that suits the copy editor.
Where Does Book 2 Begin?
Belinda is in her office. She receives a call from Tony to meet him in his office. The book picks up the day after the end of the first book.
Where Are We As The Society?
The society have accepted that what was once a dream, the Star Trek future for instance, will in fact remain a dream, a world for children's imagination, but certainly not something that will actually be possible in the near future. Very few people still believe that a drastic change is possible.
When Does A Blog Post Receive The Most Traction?
Blog posts between 3-5 minute read time will receive the most views because people have a short attention span. Technically, posts with more keywords are the ones to receive more traction too.
How Is Listening To A Podcast Different From Reading Podcast Notes?
Yoni says that there's a retention difference. If you’re just reading the notes, it’ll be a different connection with the content versus if you’re the one listening and writing out the notes for the podcasts.
Why Was Anthony So Scared About Having A Child?
He's spent decades working on growing his business, and being very selfish in a sense that he, Natalie, and their business were a priority. A child would sure demand to be priority number one, and Anthony was not sure if he would be able to accomodate.
What Is The Function Of Dreaming?
One theory is that dreaming is just a byproduct of REM sleep, in the same way as heat is a byproduct of light, produced by a lightbulb.
How Do You Create 93 Templates All By Yourself?
AJ created ~70% of all the templates by himself, and then he also hired a designer and a few coders to help.
It worked really well, but he did make sure to set the standards and validate/verify what his helpers were producing.
Why Did Aj Build Carrd?
While AJ was somewhat bored of making individual HTML5 templates, he also started to create one-page fillers, just something to put up on the site for new content. Little did he know, those one page templates were actually really popular.
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