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What Is The Biggest Challenge With A Notion Of "Overnight Success" ?

There is no such thing as an overnight success, and startups often take 10+ years before they get to a milestone deemed successful by the outsiders. At the same time, this idea that it takes years to achieve success discourages pivots, and often traps founders who are working on "zombie startups," from achieving greatness on another idea.

Was Edward Jenner Actually The First To Come Up With Cowpox Preventing Smallpox?

Probably not. He was the first to conduct trials on multiple people and bring his results to a large and legit medical society. There was a person at least 20 years before Jenner’s discovery who infected his family to cowpox, but none of them were infected.

How Is Failure Treated In Silicon Valley?

In Silicon Valley everyone talks about the failure rate, but for some reason it's also rejected, as if it's for everyone else, but never you.

What Does It Take To Publish A Novel?

For three years he would write in the morning, go to his job, edit at night, and do it all over again until 400+ pages were ready. Then, it was time to sell the novel, which was a really challenging thing if you did not know how to sell.

Michael FitzGerald wrote a novel called Radian Days only to realize that writing novels did not really pay.

What’s More Important Than An Accomplishment?

It’s the way that we move in the world that is far more important than the actual accomplishment that we create.

What Did Belinda Think After Meeting Grigor?

Since he was a Russian entrepreneur, she was thinking that he would be her next client because he has needs for her company.

Why Would People Procrastinate As A Form Of Self Medication?

James states that a person will medicate by procrastinating because they are unsure about how their actions will be received. They may even have internal doubts that will prevent them from turning an idea into an action.

Can Innovative Thinking Be Taught?

Innovation happens everywhere, but to innovate, you have to have a high level of curiosity and a high level of is discomfort with the status quo. With technology today, it's fairly easy to run small experiments and to find whether your ideas have any lengs.

However, sometimes people get intimidated because the spotlight is usually on big innovations, like the iPhone. But in reality, everyone can innovate in their everyday, and organizations need to be better at encouraging it, which only happens when you become great at getting feedback and turning it into actions.

Would You Do 9 Startups, And Then Start Another One Why?

Before doing, Wil Schroter did nine other startups, until he realized that he wanted to teach. He found himself to be best at teaching people how to go through the startup process, walking them through every step, from ideation to customer acquisition toe funding, all the different expects. So, he built

Will Work Ever Make You Happy?

Nothing that you chase will ever make you happy.

You may think that by getting to a certain outcome or a milestone will make you happy, but when you get there, you will get a short-term boost, and then go back to being unhappy.

To be happy, you have to be happy with self.

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