Tue. 04/27 - This Famous Actor's Mom Helped Save the Apollo 13 Astronauts
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What do you call a collection of black holes? That’s not the tee-up for a punchline. Scientists are legitimately trying to decide what word to use. Plus, how Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs was based on Blackfoot principles that he got wrong. And how the problem of McDonald’s perpetually broken ice cream machines is even more super-sized than you might think.
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What Do You Call a Bunch of Black Holes: A Crush? A Scream? (NY Times) Maslow Got It Wrong. (GatherFor) Maslow's hierarchy connected to Blackfoot beliefs (A Digital Native American) They Hacked McDonald's Ice Cream Machines—and Started a Cold War (Wired) Kottke.Org Jackson Bird on Twitter