Fri. 09/11 - Why Do Americans Love Rotisserie Chicken?

Why the cheap rotisserie chicken is ubiquitous in American grocery stores. The new, true proportions of the megalodon. Unpacking the enormous size of Houston, Texas and its highway interchanges, as compared to a tiny Italian city center. And the 2020 finalists of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards.


The Convenient Truth of Rotisserie Chicken (Taste) Palaeontologists Reveal What Could Be The True Proportions of The Fearsome Megalodon (Science Alert) Yes, This Interchange in Houston Is the Same Size as an Entire City Center in Italy (Texas Monthly)  As If You Needed It, Further Proof That Houston Is So Much Bigger Than Most Cities (Texas Monthly) Gallery of Winners and Finalists 2020 Finalists (Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards) Kottke.Org Jackson Bird on Twitter

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