Fri. 10/23 - The Bat Who Went To Space

Do Venus Flytraps have a short-term memory? A new interactive database of every lifeform that’s ever gone into space from Earth. The Seattle bar that made a pandemic-safe pinball machine. And Burger King is getting in on the zero-waste game with reusable containers in select markets.


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The secret of how the Venus flytrap “remembers” when it captures prey (Ars Technica) "The Astronaut Database" (Supercluster)  Bat Hung onto Shuttle During Liftoff (NASA) Seattle arcade thinks on its feet, introduces touchless pinball (NBC King5) Burger King is testing a new, reusable container for Whoppers (Fast Company) Meet Loop, the new zero-waste platform for consumer products (Fast Company) Is the McDonald's Ice Cream Machine Broken? (Kottke) Kottke.Org Jackson Bird on Twitter

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