Tue. 05/18 - Why Mammals Don't Have Neon or Iridescent Skin Like Other Animals

What’s next now that China has officially landed their first rover on Mars? How come us mammals don’t have bright, fluorescent plumage like birds or cool neon stripes like bugs? A panel of scientists weighs in. And the little-known detail that makes the real-life story of the Brontë sisters even more goth and tragic than it already was.


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China has landed a rover on Mars for the first time—here’s what happens next (MIT Technology Review) China lands its Zhurong rover on Mars (BBC) Why Aren't There Mammals in Super Vivid Colors Like There Are Birds and Bugs? (Gizmodo) Apparently the Brontës all died so early because they spent their lives drinking graveyard water. (Literary Hub) Sanitary report on Haworth, home to the Brontës (British Library)  The Brontës are alive and unwell in Haworth (The Guardian) Was Patrick Brontë the Dr. Fauci of his Time? (Illumination) Legends of the Hidden Temple Reboot Moves From Quibi to CW (IGN) Now Casting: ADULT TEAMS FOR LEGENDS OF THE HIDDEN TEMPLE Kottke.Org Jackson Bird on Twitter

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