Skyscrapers, scooters, and the future of cities
A group of architects released their concept for a Seattle skyscraper suited to life in the post-pandemic world, where you might live and work all in the same place. Seattle 2030 would stand 1,030 feet tall and have a cloud walk observatory and drone ports at the top. But will it ever be built?
Wheels, the latest electric scooter share service to launch in Seattle, has a unique feature: a seat. We took one for a ride over bumpy streets and railroad tracks on a wet and miserable day earlier this week. In other words, a typical Seattle commute. Listen to see if we liked it.
And we have a winner of last week's Trivia Contest! The question focused on satellite broadband venture from the 1990s, and the two Seattle tech billionaires who funded it. Listen to the third segment for the answer and the winner.
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