Which tech giant do you trust?

There's a common theme running through the spring season of developer conferences and tech events: trust and privacy.

With the tech industry faceing a backlash from consumers and regulators, tech giants including Facebook, Google, Apple and Microsoft are looking to assure everyone that they're listening. But each company is approaching the issue in a very different way, and with a very different track record on the topic.

On this episode of the GeekWire Podcast, we listen to the CEOs of these companies talk about privacy, and analyze the different approaches.

Other stories covered on this episode:

Seattle will launch a scooter-share pilot — if providers agree to key safety and liability conditions On the other side of the state, Spokane’s tech scene capitalizes on Seattle squeeze ‘Game of Thrones’ gets roasted for leaving a Starbucks coffee cup in a shot during episode four

Key Smash Notes In This Episode

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