Blogging 101
Ladybug Podcast

People blog for various reasons. It can be a useful resource to reference back on things for business or personal use. Blogging allows you to create your own portfolio and is a way to establish yourself within the global community. It also can be used as a reflection for your life as a takeaway for your future self.

Having a blog can also be a good way to make money and to gaining an audience.

As you grow your content on a blog, it can lead to other opportunities. Blogging is also a great to see how impactful your words are for your readers.

It becomes much more stressful. When it comes to blogging, you’ll have a slow start at first. It can be overwhelming at first to try to maintain it whenever you have other priorities as well.

Blog posts between 3-5 minute read time will receive the most views because people have a short attention span. Technically, posts with more keywords are the ones to receive more traction too.

Bloggers can create their own strategies to handle negativity. One host writes out her responses, screenshots them, then deletes them so she doesn’t have to experience the fallout. When responding, educate for the audience, not the one who leaves the negative response. Having a support system is one of the best things for bloggers to have as well.

If blogging isn’t something you like, then simply don’t do it. It will not prevent you from moving forward in your career. But if you like writing, write at your own pace and do whatever you want.

A lot of things have been written already, but that shouldn’t prevent you from sharing your own unique experience with your voice. At some point, you have to feel confident enough to go for it and publish your own post. Certain readers will be able to relate to your own personal experience.

The blog post that you are struggling to write makes the best blog post when you finally figure it out. It’s because the topic that you’re struggling to learn, someone else will benefit and learn something from your post.

Canonical url is a browser meta setting you should set whenever crossposting an original blog post somewhere else. This way search engines will assign SEO value to your original blog instead of the place you are crossposting to. You will get additional traffic and SEO value at the same time.

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