Impostor Syndrome
Ladybug Podcast

As one grows in their career and follower count on social media, it is exemplified through these things because of being watched more closely.

Subconsciously, everyone can generally determine if they feel like they fit into a particular environment, such as a potential new workplace. One's subconscious lays the groundwork for what level of imposter syndrome they might feel.

Even if the ratio of negative to positive comments is 1 to 200, a single negative comment can destroy morale. If a particular comment comes at an angle that is different than other negative feedback that has been received previously, it can be especially upsetting.

They are often internalized and taken as a personal attack whereas positive comments are typically externalized and quickly forgotten.

The way we phrase things, especially across the internet and cultures, can have a positive or a negative impact. How we deliver feedback requires thought and is so important.

It does challenge individuals to be self-aware and to also keep others in mind. Imposter syndrome can be a motivator because it drives people to become better and better at their skills in an effort to build confidence.

Acknowledging imposter syndrome gives way to vulnerability which allows for personal growth. Vulnerability also allows for connecting with others more personally because of increased empathy and understanding.

Write them down, take screenshots, print them out, etc. Keep up with positivity, especially when having a bad day.

Comparison to others always results in disappointment. This doesn't help with overcoming. Compare yourself today with yourself yesterday, and with no one else.

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