4 Questions To Becoming A Better Podcast Interviewee

Figuring out what type of podcaster you want to be is important to establishing your podcast. But have you thought about and established what kind of interviewee or guest you want to be on other podcasts? Photo byhttps://www.pexels.com/@padrinan?utm_content=attributionCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=pexels ( Miguel Á. Padriñán) fromhttps://www.pexels.com/photo/illustration-of-gray-metal-chain-in-4-digit-form-1061139/?utm_content=attributionCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=pexels ( Pexels) Guesting on other people's podcasts is a time-honored way to gain targeted exposure for you and for your podcast to podcast listeners. It may not be the growth hack of the century (spoiler: It's not), but it is a solid top-of-the-funnel activity likely worth your time. So how do you become a better podcast guest?  I don't have a pat "how to" answer at the ready. But I do have four questions you should consider that will help you boost your podcast interviewee skills.  1. Agenda or objective? An agenda means you have a few key talking points around a central theme. An objective means you have a clear call to action to push as often as you can. 2. Prep or go in cold? Prepping means you won't be hit out of the blue. But going in cold could make your answers and reactions sound more spontaneous and natural. 3. Short or long answers? Do you keep your answers direct and to the point? Or do you embrace meandering and anecdotes, leaving it up to the host or their editor to tighten things up as they see fit?   4. How accommodating will you be? Do you have only certain days or times when you can be available? Or do you have ultimate flexibility and can say "Whenever is good for you" to all requests, moving your schedule around as necessary?  Now, as I said, there aren't right or wrong answers to any of those questions. If you're curious how I'd answer: I almost always have an agenda, but rarely an objective I prepare for every guesting opportunity, but not obsessively I give way too long answers but am working on going shorter I'm very accommodating, but I have some hard blocks on my calendar so I can get things done

----- Links https://3clipspodcast.com/ (the podcast 3 Clips by Castos) http://evoterra.link/buzz (Over 100K active podcasters trust Buzzsprout)  Got a podcasting service? https://podcastpontifications.com/about/sponsorship-information (Become a sponsor of Podcast Pontifications). Serious about podcasting? Join the https://evoterra.link/app (Advancing Podcasting Community) today!

----- https://podcastpontifications. (Podcast Pontifications) is a production of https://simpler.media (Simpler Media). New episodes are released four times a week, providing ideas and questions every serious podcaster should be thinking about. It's created and hosted byhttps://twitter.com/evoterra ( Evo Terra. Follow him on Twitter) for more podcasting insights as they come. http://alliepress.ne (Allie Press) assists with the production and transcription of the show. If you received value from today's episode of Podcast Pontifications, return some of that! We call it https://PodcastPontifications.com/support (value-for-value) and there are many ways to show your support.

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