A Glimpse of Podcasting's Voice-Only Future

Podcasting is an audio-first medium consumed on devices that have built-in microphones. Yet the listening experience is reliant on eyes and hands. What would a voice-only listener experience look like?  https://podcastpontifications.com/episode/a-glimpse-of-podcastings-voice-only-future Building on my talk with the CEO of https://evoterra.link/vocalize (Vocalize), today we'll explore a "what if" scenario where podcast listeners only have to use voice commands to control their podcast listening experience.  Let's first focus on the idea of reserving a memorable phrase for your podcast that when spoken aloud with intent or accompanied by an activation phrase does more than just take someone to your podcast. Can it drop them into where they left off? If they're caught up, could it recommend a different podcast from your network? Or an episode of a different podcast where you were the guest? I know such a service seems fantastical. And I'll grant you that today it is. But I don't think it always will be. Today, we type in URLs—secret phrases—to get to a destination. It's not really a stretch to consider tomorrow we'll be able to speak a secret phrase—likely a different secret phrase than the URL—to get to a destination. Should I also register make podcasting better? Or maybe Evo Terra's podcast? And will the system be smart enough to offer suggestions or request clarification if the spoken phrase isn't an exact match?  One of the first tricks a solid voice-enabled podcast listing experience has to figure out is how to navigate through the episodes of the show. That's not going to be easy. But using voice commands to navigate within an episode might be. Commands like start, stop, and skip variety seem like low-hanging fruit, along with volume up, rewind 15 seconds, or even get details. Implementing these base-level, common interactions to a voice-only mode would solve the sudsy hands or back pocket problems of podcasting.  Again, I'm spitballing here. I know it's a lot of work to make this viable happen. In fact, I think the bet is it will happen. And when it does, I think it will certainly make podcasting better. (Trademark Evo Terra! Just kidding.)  ----- Links https://evoterra.link/vocalize (Vocalize Inc) http://wannagetaway.com (wannagetaway.com) http://tires.com (tires.com) http://whoownswhoinpodcasting.com/ (whoownswhoinpodcasting.com) http://ihearthin.gs/ (ihearthin.gs) https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/carglass-inc (OttoRadio)  http://evoterra.link/buzz (Over 100K active podcasters trust Buzzsprout)  Got a podcasting service? https://podcastpontifications.com/about/sponsorship-information (Become a sponsor of Podcast Pontifications). Serious about podcasting? Join the https://evoterra.link/app (Advancing Podcasting Community) today!

----- https://podcastpontifications. (Podcast Pontifications) is a production of https://simpler.media (Simpler Media). New episodes are released four times a week, providing ideas and questions every serious podcaster should be thinking about. It's created and hosted byhttps://twitter.com/evoterra ( Evo Terra. Follow him on Twitter) for more podcasting insights as they come. http://alliepress.ne (Allie Press) assists with the production and transcription of the show. If you received value from today's episode of Podcast Pontifications, return some of that! We call it https://PodcastPontifications.com/support (value-for-value) and there are many ways to show your support.

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