Changes To Podcasting Mean Changes For You

When you started podcasting, things were different. Maybe a little. Maybe a lot. At some point, those differences are going to start adding up and you won't podcast the same way ever again. And that's OK.  Change comes for all of us at some point, and podcasters like you and me are not immune. Neither are those individuals who run companies that provide services to podcasters like you and me. The same goes for those providing services to podcast listeners. They aren't immune either. In reality; no aspect of podcasting is immune to change. Changes to podcasting don't have to be predicated by massive upheaval. And the stabie podcasting world you think you live in is either an illusion or a temporary condition.  Change is inevitable and has been with podcasting since the beginning. But as I look back at recent months, it sure looks like changes are coming at us a whole lot faster than they were before. Here are 3 indicators: 1. "Inactive" podcasts are swelling, whatever that means. There are many reasons why a podcaster makes the decision to stop podcasting at a certain point. But one commonality is that something has changed for that podcaster from the time they started podcasting to the time they posted their last episode.  2. Podcast-listener-focused services getting out of the game. It's not just (Bello Collective), but they did specifically point to changes to the landscape that led to their halting—or at least pausing—of operations. Changes not only to podcasting, but to how people listen. 3. Podcaster-focused services are consolidating.  Flying under the radar of mergers with envy-inducing price tags are a slew of smaller mergers and roll-ups as interest from creators change. If there's a takeaway for you in all of this, it's simply a reminder that change comes for us all. In podcasting. In life. In business.  For those of us who've wrapped all three of those things together, it sure is making for an interesting ride. ----- Links Looking for a remote recording solution that handles both audio and video? you need (! (Tracking "inactive" podcasts, whatever that means) (Bello Collective closing up. For now.) (Over 100K active podcasters trust Buzzsprout.) Serious about podcasting? Join the (Advancing Podcasting Community) today!

------  https://podcastpontifications./ (Podcast Pontifications) is a production of (Simpler Media). New episodes are released four times a week, providing ideas and questions every serious podcaster should be thinking about. It's created and hosted by (Evo Terra. Follow him on Twitter) for more podcasting insights as they come. (Allie Press) assists with the production and transcription of the show. If you received value from today's episode of Podcast Pontifications, return some of that! We call it (value-for-value), and there are many ways to show your support.

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