Podcast Like A Celebrity With 5 Easy Tips

Celebrity podcasts are killing it, and plenty of podcasters wonder if there’s a secret to podcasting like a celebrity. As it turns out, there is! But is it relevant to podcasters who aren’t celebrities? Even seasoned podcasters can be caught up in the hype surrounding celebrity podcasters. Some look for shortcuts, seeing how listeners don’t seem to mind the low-quality, often rambly episodes put out by celebrity podcasters. 

So today, on the penultimate episode before I go on my mid-season break I’m going to detail five tips to help you podcast like a celebrity.  Try not to let your eyes roll out of your head.

1. Actually be a celebrity! With throngs of fans who care little for the skills necessary to make make a good podcast.

But you’re not a celebrity, which means you have to do plenty of work to compete for attention among people who aren’t your fans.

2. Already have a huge audience! An audience of ardent fans who’ll dutifully spread the show through fandom like a wildfire.

But you don’t have a built-in huge audience, so you’ll probably find it hard to get word of mouth working for you en masse.

3. Have lots of disposable income to spend on staff and paid services! Writing checks and offloading every responsibility lets you focus just on being the talent on your show.

But you’re not sitting on millions of extra dollars, so you have to control your costs.

4. Be connected to other celebrities for instant network effect! Your other celebrity friends will happily let you on their show so you can spread the word about your new podcast.

But your connections are a bit more mundane, so you’ll have to build relationships more slowly.

5. Get national media coverage with a phone call! That magazine, paper, or news program is just waiting for your call to give you prime coverage.

But your name isn’t instantly recognizable, so you’ll likely find it hard to get even a local news outlet interested in your podcast.

In case I was too subtle: There’s very little podcasters can learn from celebrity podcasters, unless they themselves are also celebrities.



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A written-to-be-read article and a full transcript of the audio of this episode can be found at https://podcastpontifications.com/episode/podcast-like-a-celebrity-with-5-easy-tips.

Visit https://twitter.com/evoterra for more podcasting insights from Evo Terra as they come.

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And if you need a professional in your podcasting corner, please visit https://Simpler.Media to see how Simpler Media Productions can help you reach your business objectives with podcasting.

Allie Press assists with the production and transcription of the show. Learn more about Allie at http://alliepress.net.

Podcast Pontifications four times a week to provide ideas and ask questions every working podcaster should be thinking about. Subscribe/follow today at https://PodcastPontifications.com.

Photo by https://unsplash.com/@seteph?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText (Allef Vinicius) on https://unsplash.com/s/photos/star?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText (Unsplash)

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