Leading In a Volatile Economy: How to Create Sustainable Work Through Recognition (with Matt Martin, Co-founder & CEO of Clockwise)


What impacts employees in having a positive or negative attitude about their workplace?

Hint: it’s not just salary!

Matt Martin is the CEO and Co-founder of Clockwise, a tool that optimizes your team’s calendars to create more time in everyone’s day.

In today’s episode, Matt shares his insights on growing in a volatile economy and how to show up for your team in times of FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt).

He also talks about team engagement buckets and the different factors that affect job attitudes and what leads your team to having a positive or negative attitude at work.

Matt gave us an inside look at his leadership style, different meetings Clockwise hosts on a weekly basis, and he even shared his top time management tips for managing his calendar.

Tune in to hear all about Matt’s leadership journey and the lessons learned along the way!


Key Smash Notes In This Episode

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