17 Years of Online Ventures, with Matt Giovanisci of Swim University
The Failory Podcast

Matt shares his background and what he is currently working on.

Mat shares his motivation behind building SwimUniversity, a niche site around swim pool and hot tube care, which was making $400k/y, pre-Amazon's cut on affiliate commissions.

Matt explains he always knew he wanted to be his own boss and not to work for other people.

Matt shares what was Spruce Metrics about and the problem it tried to solve. Spruce has failed, among with other 11 ventures from Matt.

After sharing the whole Spruce's fail story, Matt shares what were his real motivations behind building the product.

Was it because you wanted to use it yourself or because you knew other founders would use it?

Brandon asks Matt if he thinks there are any other products solving what they aimed to solve with Spruce and if there's any space for a product like it to re-flourish and belong in the market.

Matt has a personal website (called MoneyLab) where he runs experiments on his different online ventures. He shares everything (mistakes, numbers, wins, etc) super transparently on long-form article (even a 12k-word article on why did Spruce fail). What does motivate Matt to do this?

Matt shares what is Swim University about as if he was explaining it to a 10-year old child.

"We teach Mommy and Daddy keep your pool clear".

Matt shares how he grew his swim pool care site to millions of visits and 6 figures per year. He has been working on the site for +10 years...

Brandon asks Matt is he applied any of the lessons learned from Spruce's failure into SwimUniversity or other businesses. Matt shares he did on one Wordpress plugin he has built.

After so many years working on niche sites, among other projects, what does motivate Matt to keep working on them (besides $$)?

Matt shares some of the things people get wrong around content creation and marketing, after working for +10 years in the industry.

Matt shares what he would tell Matt from many years ago after Spruce Metrics was shut down. He's critics his intentions on getting into a business he didn't really enjoy or care about.

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