EP #20 Suicidal Threats & Jealousy?! Leaving my toxic R/S of 6.5 Years (ft. Joyce)
The Saucy Podcast
“So why are you still single?”
Lost for words?
The societal expectation of people getting into relationships at a certain age, mostly late twenties/working age, and sometimes, people chase after this highly-romanticized milestone (due to romantic TV shows mostly) because of the fantasy ideal of love. But fret not, Chloe and Tiffany will be serving you the tips and tricks to respond to this dreaded question. If you have any other fabulous responses, do share them with us! Enjoy!
Chloe and Tiffany
Email: hello.thesaucypodcast@gmail.com
Instagram: @thesaucypodcast @chloe_yongg @tiffany_tham
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