481: Not Your Typical Advice
The Startup Chat with Steli and Hiten

Full episode transcript -


everybody. This est


l e f t and this is heating. Sean, Today, on the startup chat, we're gonna talk about not your


typical start up advice keep like talking about more than just sales and market. We just want a bullshit and chat about business and life, and hopefully, while we're doing them for my long value todo for people trying to get shit done way, don't want to give you feedback. That's bullshit. You want you to do your best, and


this is a topic that I came up with about a minute ago, and it's been in my mind a very long time. I would say that both Stelian I gave a bunch of startup advice, and this is not your typical start up advice. The reason this is not your typical started advice or advice of any kind is because what's in my head is that there's a lot of stuff out there. I could use a worse word, but there's a lot of stuff out there where people are telling you things about what you should do, what you should not do. And there's also a lot of stuff out there now. As of recently in the last month or so about how it's not good to work hard or it's good to work hard. It's been working a lot of hours scaling. They're not gonna get into that debate because the answer is it depends. And that's the best answer give you, you know? And then I have seen something really fascinating that I haven't been able to talk about Klay and this is public of I want to get with it. I've talked a lot about it privately, but it's this idea that we are all susceptible to ego trapped.

And what that means is that we can get caught up in our ego on social media, and then we turn into these, like advice machines. So this because we just get to either share a bunch of crap on instagram or share a whole bunch of whatever we want to share, whatever we're feeling, whatever on instagram. I'm sorry on Twitter, and what I've noticed is that what happens is the pattern that happened. Somebody gets good at Twitter. It gets good a twitter, just me. They tweet a bunch of stuff, gonna get, you know, like people like it. People retweet it.

Maybe they get thousands of the retweets on. It may be tens of thousands lights, whatever, you know, on the highest level. And they might be somebody who you know, many people look up to. Then what I noticed after that happens, it's almost like they have their day on Twitter, right? And then it's almost like their ego gets involved there. Like, now I got a tweet, and then you start seeing them tweeting thing you're like, uh, the thing you tweeted that went off was great.

You could just stop there. You didn't need to go tweet about the equivalent of you know how you're feeling right now. You didn't need to do that like it's okay like nobody's waiting for you to tweet. It's really okay. And it's almost like this, like thing where we went from OK, few people, expertise or experience, or even just whether it's like very experience or not, very experience, but having gone through stuff and people sharing that, whether it's in block posts or, you know, whatever mediums makes sense on medium. But now we have this thing. We're like it's like so many people can go share their advice and they do.

And I believe they do because they just want more of those 1000 likes or those, you know, 1000 retweets And that attention it gets that all the replies to get said, I almost feel like it's subconscious and people are not conscious to the So the result of that to me is that all advice is diluted to the point where it's pretty much meaningful. I mean, meaningless, because it just doesn't matter. There's still much of it. So many people saying so many things. And you know, the line that I like to use on this is like take the best, leave the rest But at the same time, like if you're looking around on Twitter and lurking around or you're on instagram falling a bunch of people in seeing all their crab I think you're not working. I think you're not actually focused on what matters to you. Because if you were you pretty pretty. Yeah, if you Yeah, because if you were, you cry. Be reading a book straight up,


write a book


about what you need right now. That's gonna help you, right? Like I'm reading books right now that are gonna help me. I'm not like the insane. Like three books a day reader. I can be because I can read really fast and I like reading. I'm the Let me find the book even if I read it before, that's gonna help me right now, whether it's personally or in business light and I'll read it and I'll take notes on it. And I might even take notes and sharing with people on my team cause they're shit we want to do. And the books actually are hopeful because it's a much more thoughtful, I think in a tweet to the rant here is like, Yo, you want some advice? Go read a book. Just make sure it's advice you need right now.


All right? I got a lot to say here, but bring it. So number one like the deviant advice? Go read a book, I would add, or go talk to somebody I like That that can help, has context and does care, right? Yep, the thing that you mentioned, like one thing that popped up in my mind where you're talking about this like people start sharing their advice and their opinions on social media. They got a lot of positive reinforcement and indoor team. You know, Russia's by getting lots of flights, lots of shares. There's a certain type of thing that you say the mawr controversial.

It is what you're saying or the shorter it is. Sometimes less new ones you use, you know, the stronger the response usually, right. If you write the best advice I can give is it depends because everybody situation is the same. Like Head might be a thoughtful thing to say, but nobody's gonna treat that I thought was gonna hate it, a comment on it, or there's not gonna be a strong response to something that's moderate. So you start sharing advice, sharing your opinions. And then there's a training that happens every positive reinforcement to your kind of most radical ideas. Almost radical moments. They get the most attention. The most responsible is love,

which then trains you to do more of it, and often times you know, I see people start tweeting. And then at some point, Twitter is treating them right. It's like the medium is taking over this. Yeah, using you. You're not using it anymore, right? And you can tell by, you know or I think I can tell by certain patterns. Is this person increasing their output? Right? So they were. I would see they would tweet like,

once or twice a day. And then it became four then and eight. And it's like 40 a day. And then it gets more and more more questions like Why is it does it Does it seem healthy for somebody to spend so much time in an increased amount of time on this medium? Sharing the advice tweeting things. How engaged do they get with responses? And what kind of engagement do they give? They give into engagement when they're criticised? And if so, is it because they're curious that want to learn? What is it? Because they're defending themselves and they're getting, like, angry? Or do they get engaged in ways that helps their ego like what is like? If you step back far enough,

you're trying to ask yourself, What is this person trying to get out of out of this? Like, Why are they why they're spending all this time creating all this continent? What are they trying to get to their people that seem to you know, I think, honestly, and authentically having moments where they feel like they fuller and something that they want to pass it on and share it. And they seem to engage a times and this engaging others and some kind of a healthy like I like playing around here like sharing my ideas here. But this isn't my life, and I'm not. There's not any kind of addictive quality that jumped out of me. When I see how they behave on these platforms, the other people that do seem or more addicted and it seems very much to be in a egotistic, egocentric game, not even that they play,

but that the platform the platform is taking over this trade them. And now the platform is using them more, more, more to create more, more off the top of content of the platform likes. And there's a lot of that and ah, lot of that that's going on. And then the question is, really who is learning anything here useful and why This is obviously something that I even struggled with sometimes, like I'm you know, not that great on social media. But sometimes when I see big debates erupt like they did in the kind of recent past. Yeah, I feel these people tweeting about a certain thread and have been going back and forcing all that. It's just there's a part of me that's like, should I say something here?

And then there's another part of me that's like, but I don't want to because I honestly actually don't care about this debate. And I don't know if I say something whose look like I'm not learning anything, literally like all these right super smart people are promoting my my Twitter timeline with things that I'm not interested in. And even when I try to read them, I'm not learning anything here. There's nothing insightful here. There's nothing new ones here seem like this all pollution. If I jump in, I'm just adding to the pollution because I really don't care about this topic. But I know if I do, I'm gonna get a lot of attention. So it I don't purely from a marketing play. If I say something controversial about this, I'm gonna get a lot of response. Certain people will look at my tweet that I important to have a lot of fallen that might respond positively or negatively that might get me a few more follows,

but I am I really interested in this? Do I really need this quote unquote cheap attention right now? And if so, why? What will I do with it? Like if I get if I tweet something controversial and I get another 100 followers and I get you know, whatever a few 100 retweets and something and then what? What will I do with this? Other than that, I will spend the next day or two like logging into Twitter 10 times more than usual to see who responded or retweeted. But it's a good trap. I get the trap. It's a legal trouble. Yeah, so I just decided to go. This is all bullshit,

and I will just, like, look a Twitter in four days again. This is over because right now it's just a lot of noise, but there's nothing really meaningful e useful to learn here. Read here. And this is something that, honestly, I find not to be a Debbie Downer on all this, but I find less and less find me as a consumer of social media, I find less and less useful stuff. I almost don't use Facebook at all anymore. I use Twitter, but I have found it in the last 23 months, less and less useful or interesting in terms. I think it's


I think it's gotten weird or worse.


I don't know what is happening. Teoh Twitter definitely has gotten worse. There was a time, and I and I was very proud of how curated my Twitter stream was and how I was falling just specific type of people and like I had interesting news, interesting book recommendations and interesting thoughts and quotes him like good shit in there. But recently I definitely have found myself saying At the end of my two minute Twitter sprees, well, this was not satisfying at all. This was not like I spent 34 minutes looking at all of this, but nothing of it was really that meaningful or interesting to me. Instagram the same way. The only like the most useful thing about Instagram for me is like, Yeah, I know. I follow a bunch of like we tie fighters in a bunch of like, martial art fighters. I'll watch their fights are the little videos,

and that's cool and then have a handful of friends and use it a lot, and I'm interested in their life. So that's kind of cool. But everything else is kind of like whatever YouTube is really the the only. It's on leaving the social network really in the typical sense. But that still has meaningful e interesting content for me. So I can't spend time on YouTube and find it satisfying in terms of I watched a Lecturers video, an interview that I thought was really powerful, interesting or entertaining at least. But yeah, this is the amount of advice people give, especially like on Twitter and Instagram in the amount of it that is just nd air. It's just nothing that it's like so short, so over generalized or polar ice that it's like I don't know whose learning something here like who's reading this in this thinking? Wow, this is amazing.

This ideal thought is, Is helping me now do better at life would do better with my work. I don't know. I'm not. I'm not sure at times I'm not sure if I'm just getting like super hyper cynical or if the information out there is just less interesting and maybe because these mediums maybe we can, because we can over share in these overly shortened versions off our thoughts and advisers. Maybe just these mediums lend themselves to it by system and useful and a book. The reason why that can be really powerful or in conversation with somebody is because there is. It's longer Forman's, you know by, you know, by design. It usually leads to more thoughtfulness and more clarity and more completeness in more nuance than you know, a one sentence tweet can do worry. 12th Instagram video can do like, How much can you saying like 20 seconds?

What kind of how much useful advice can you pack into 20 seconds that you want to send out to tens of thousands of people? The same. Oh, like a 50,000 people need to hear these 20 seconds. Right now, it's really gonna impact, I think. Not that he can never not that a sentence can never inspire thought or B positive, or make people smile or laugh like you can't be brief and still be useful. But when it comes to the when you when you take out entertainment and when you take out, you know, just a just like a mild stimulant when you really go into the realm off and giving advice and receiving advice for how to run your business. But how to lead a good life for how to structure your day. Votto succeed with your company?


You know,


I do find that we have to retreat to older formats off learning and advice, which usually are kind of more long for more nuanced mawr context, aware forms of learning consumption than, ah, lot of stuff that's out there. Yep. All right,


that's it. That's it. That's our ran out of advice. Stay,


go. We said we would kick start the new year with a Z being grumpy, cynical, too grumpy, cynical founders. They go very up. That's what you get from us, right? Well here, everybody. Very, very soon. That's it from us.

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