The Sales & Marketing Grind
The Startup Chat with Steli and Hiten

According to Hiten Shah, the most difficult part of sales and marketing is getting used to the grind.

Doing the same set of things over and over and over again.

Sometimes with such mediocre results that you think about giving up right before striking gold.

As you try to sell your product, you do many things most of which don't work, and you have to keep trying many different things until something actually works. Then, you do more of that.

It is hard to do the same thing over and over again in hopes of an outcome, but if you stop trying, then it would definitely not work.

Make it personally meaningful. Instead of focusing on the results of the sales process, fall in love with the work and the people you meet along the way. Regardless of the outcome, the people will always be there later, and that connection you can take with you forever.

Marketing feedback loop is pretty quick. You can post something on the internet and see the results pretty soon. Then you can focus on iterations, and improvements to these measurable results.

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