T1SP: Episode 23

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* [ ] Juniper backdoor; could have been found with diff; signs point to NSA

* [ ] RCE on FireEye appliances

* [ ] Hyatt got hacked; malware on POS

* [ ] 45K drones registered with FAA within 2 days

* [ ] Industry moving towards password-free logins; still single factor, now the factor is your device; although access to device could require factors

* [ ] Microsoft will now tell you if your account has been targeted by government authorities

* [ ] Tor announced it’s doing a bug bounty, looks like it’ll be internal

* [ ] Steam had a DoS that revealed 34K user details

* [ ] Linode has been suffering a massive DDoS on its datacenters, DNS infrastructure

* [ ] Spy files found in North Korea’s Operating System

Ideas, updates, and discussion

* [ ] 3 things you should do every January

* [ ] Web Scanner Series: Burp vs. Netsparker

* [ ] When you’re interviewing, make sure you make it clear that you’re the asset too, not just them

* [ ] Failing at the basics in intelligence and infosec

* [ ] Why Trump is Winning

* [ ] Sensitive data sent in URL over HTTPS

* [ ] Difference between correlation and causation

* [ ] Paul Graham’s REFRAGMENTATION post

* [ ] The relationship between Relaxation, Fun, and Performance

* [ ] Michael Coates makes the argument that false negatives are way better than false positives because false positives create unnecessary work for his team

* [ ] Brainstorm questions, not solutions

Tools and projects

* [ ] BLUTO

* [ ] Serpico

* [ ] Firmware Extraction from Craig Smith

* [ ] Vulnerability Database Resources

* [ ] IoT Attack Surfaces Project

* [ ] RobotsDisallowed Project

* [ ] Nowhere.net (CyberPunk)

* [ ] EyeWitness

* [ ] REST Security Cheat Sheet

* [ ] Censys.io

* [ ] GithubDorks

* [ ] InstaRecon (DNS lookups, whois, shodan, google dorks, etc)

* [ ] twfactorauth.org


* [ ] Speaking at OWASP Cali end of January

* [ ] Currently working on an ICS / SCADA primer


* [ ] Need to check out the Benedict Evans blog

* [ ] Serial Podcast / Making a Murderer on Netflix

* [ ] If you know any Army veterans who are getting out and want to get into InfoSec, let me know

* [ ] Twitter account: CISSP Googling

* [ ] Sam Altman (Startup Playbook)

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* The intro track is from one of my favorite EDM artists: Zomby. The song is ‘Orion’, and it’s from the ‘With Love’ album. Highly recommended if you like chill EDM.

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