Thu. 05/20 - How The Sun Could Spoil NASA's Trip Back to the Moon

Why the sun is about to get quite temperamental and how that could spell danger for NASA’s upcoming lunar mission. In other sun news, the case for turning airports into giant solar farms. And a website that will help make your Twitter timeline a bit more pleasant––if you’re okay with taking a rather extreme route.


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How space weather could wreck NASA’s return to the moon (MIT Technology Review) The sun is getting stormier, and it'll peak just in time for a total solar eclipse (National Geographic) Why Not Turn Airports Into Giant Solar Farms? (Wired) MegaBlock | Nuke tweets in one click UFO answers coming soon? US government to report on mysterious sightings ( Obama on UFO videos: 'We don't know exactly what they are' (NBC News) Someone Took A Closer Look At The Pyramid-Shaped UFO Video That Was Confirmed By The Pentagon And Explained Why It's Just An Optical Effect (Digg)  Kottke.Org Jackson Bird on Twitter

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