Lennon Flowers and Carla Fernandez of The Dinner Party 🍴Bringing people together who have experienced significant loss
Get Together
Today we're talking to Krystie Mak and Katerina Jeng, the founders of Slant'd, a collective that celebrates Asian American identity, one story at a time
Back in 2017, a piece of advice from Eddie Huang inspired Krystie and Katerina: “If spaces don’t exist for you, kick the door down and create them.”
Krystie and Kat didn’t see themselves in mainstream media. They wanted a place to share personal stories—not about celebrities, but told by real Asian-American peers. So they decided to kick down the door and create their own space.
When they did, they unlocked a groundswell of energy.
In today's episode, we’ll get into the nitty gritty of how they got Slant’d off the ground, and how they’re exploring building Slant’d as a business now.