051 Rob McGinley Myers | What Is It That Truly Makes Us Human
Rob McGinley Myers is the host for Anxious Machine. He is part of The Heard, which is a podcast collective of several different and awesome shows. The best way to describe Rob’s podcast is it’s a show about the impact of technology on our everyday lives. Rob’s interview style really brings out a lot of gems in people. We talk about the impact technology has on kids, his podcast style, and his weightless journey. Show Highlights
04:45 – Podcasting is a medium and not a genre. 06:45 – Rob doesn’t listen to podcasts on an increased speed. 08:00 – What was the first podcast Rob listened to? 09:15 – Should we separate radio publishers versus independent podcasters in a different category? 10:05 – How can Apple make the discovery process easier? 12:35 – What’s Rob’s story? 16:20 – How did Rob get into podcasting? 18:15 – Podcast Movement was great this year. 20:00 – What is Third Coast? 23:30 – What is The Heard? 27:15 – As the show gets better, does Rob feel more pressure in finding better guests? 31:40 – Rob explains what Love and Radio does. 32:15 – Rob talks about how he came to create one of his podcast episodes. 35:50 – Does Rob worry about how technology impacts his kid’s lives? 37:20 – In the article, The Touch-Screen Generation, the author conducts an experiment to see if her child would eventually get bored of the iPad. 39:35 – What’s Rob’s ‘studio’ setup? 40:55 – Rob loves reading his stories in front of people. 48:50 – People are more likely to reveal certain things about themselves in audio form. 51:15 – How does Rob bring out such great stories in people? 54:00 – Rob talks about S2:E2 – All My Days Have Been Guns 59:00 – Rob talks on how studying comparative literature has helped his podcast. 01:00 – What’s Rob’s Anxious Machine’s story? 01:03 – Rob used to be overweight and believes being overweight is a math problem. 01:11 – Rob makes a conscious effort to interview very different people. 01:13 – What’s the story behind using the title S2:E5 – These Things Is Miracles? 01:18 – What do Rob’s students think of his podcast? 01:19 – Rob is both surprised and not surprised about his podcast show.
FULL SHOW NOTES: http://www.podcastjunkies.com/51