148 Annett Bone | Getting Comfortable with the Uncomfortable
Annett Bone is a dancer, entrepreneur, and the host of The DancePreneuring Studio podcast where she speaks with dancers, choreographers, artistic directors, studio owners, and others in the dance world so they can share their personal stories of the challenges they’ve encountered and the success they’ve experienced in this highly competitive arena. In this conversation, Annett opens up about her own personal struggles and confronting her self-doubt, how she became involved with dancing, why she started her podcast, and how its helped her grow and opened the door to so many opportunities. 03:14 - Where I met Annett 04:18 - Her experience with podcasting conferences 05:43 - The differences between business and podcasting conferences 07:47 - How she got started on her entrepreneurial journey 13:55 - Dealing with “Imposter Syndrome” 14:26 - Not letting self-doubt stop her from trying new things like starting a podcast 17:10 - When she became aware of tapping into her intuition 18:52 - The work she was involved with before starting her podcast 21:08 - How Annett got started with dancing 25:46 - Immersing yourself around talented people to elevate your own talent 28:04 - What drove her to start her podcast 30:10 - How one particular guest inspired and motivated her during a challenging time 32:32 - How she’s grown as a podcaster since starting her show 33:39 - Annett explains why she thinks she was so self-conscious early on in her life 36:21 - What attracted her about homeschooling 39:09 - The kind of feedback she’s received from her listeners 43:30 - Her experience and thoughts on public speaking 47:05 - An upcoming project she’s working on that’s still hush-hush 48:52 - What she’s changed her mind about recently 50:38 - How she tackles making decisions in her life 52:31 - The trepidation she felt before speaking at MAPCON 53:56 - What she learned about the podcasters she met and heard at MAPCON 55:09 - The one most misunderstood thing about her Full Show Notes: http://podcastjunkies.com/annett-bone-interview