274 Jason DeFillippo - A Brief History of Podcasting
Harry welcomes to the show, professional podcast producer, editor and host, Jason DeFillippo. Jason is the co-host of Grumpy Old Geeks, a no-holds-barred show about the Internet and how it's affecting our lives for good or bad. Since 1994, Jason’s launched hundreds of websites as either a programmer, designer or founder. Almost eight years ago, he pivoted from programming to full time podcast producer, editor, and host.
In this episode, Harry and Jason geek out over the podcast industry, how far they’ve both come as professional podcasters and what the future holds for the medium. Jason opens up about his journey as a podcaster, specifically how he’s honed his hosting skills and what inspired him to start Grumpy Old Geeks. He speaks to the work he did on the Art of Charm, the impact COVID- 19 had on podcast downloads and his feelings on dynamic ads and monetization.