Little Theatre Goes Dark
A tweetstorm about men’s role in pregnancy leads Regina to find a man who spent over a decade suppressing his sperm count with a piece of yarn.
Show notes:
00:33 - Wikipedia page for heat-based contraception 00:57 - The movie 'Heat' is the first time Robert De Niro and Al Pacino starred in a movie together 01:31 - Regina would like to state for the record that said baby is now 1 year old, absolutely adorable, and spends significantly less time crying than she did at the time of the initial pitch. 01:40 - The tweet storm that started it all 03:23 - Chris Jenks' website 04:00 - The underwear 04:43 - Billy spent approximately 10 minutes explaining what a cordstop is here. It has been cut down for your entertainment and also because who cares about cordstops this much. 05:41 - Kaleb Dornheim wrote this article about how to tuck safely 08:38 - Chris' LinkedIn page 12:31 - Marthe Voegeli 16:54 - According to Weather Underground, the average temperature of the day was 54 degrees Fahrenheit 20:06 - John K Amory 22:12 - "Breakthrough for male contraceptives?" in Daily Mail UK 27:42 - Elon Musk's net worth is reportedly in the range of 20 billion US dollars 27:50 - Paul Allen - Wikipedia