The ATV Site
In this week’s episode, we introduce you to the second location of significance the evening Dani died, which is what we refer to as “The ATV site". Thirty minutes after Jeff called 911 about Dani, the Cass County Sheriff’s Dept responded to a 911 call from a witness who reported hearing an accident. You will hear the audio between Cass County Sheriff’s Deputy James Rachel and Jeff’s good friend CJ, who was also riding ATV’s with Jeff and Dani. After they were finished riding, Jeff called CJ and asked him to follow him back into town. CJ reports that Jeff was driving erratically and lost his ATV off the trailer. Two days later, CJ is interviewed by Cass County Chief Deputy Roy Barker. You will also hear this audio. Listen closely to similarities and differences in his recollection of the events of the evening Dani died. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit