Understanding the Demand Side with The Re-Wired Group’s Bob Moesta

Bob is the President and CEO of the Rewired Group, a pioneer of Jobs to Be Done, the author of the Jobs to be Done Handbook and his latest work Demand Side Sales. On this week's episode of Customer Conversations, Stuart and Bob cover

Defining and applying the demand side Where to start with identifying the “struggling moment” The limitations of correlation in assessing customer behavior An atomistic approach to the customers buying timeline Trading off money, time and knowledge What causes the transition from passive to active looking


Demand Side Sales, by Bob Moesta - https://www.amazon.com/Demand-Side-Sales-101-Customers-Progress-ebook/dp/B08FRRF68Q The Jobs-To-Be-Done Handbook, by Bob Moesta - https://www.amazon.com/Jobs-be-Done-Handbook-techniques-application/dp/1499339232 Shape Up, by Ryan Singer - https://basecamp.com/shapeup Jobs-To-Be-Done Radio - http://jobstobedone.org/topics/radio/ The Disruptive Voice Podcast - https://www.hbs.edu/forum-for-growth-and-innovation/podcasts/disruptive-voice/Pages/default.aspx

Connecting with Bob:

Connect with Bob on Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/bmoesta/videos Connect with Bob on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/bobmoesta/


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